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TRE Workshop at Calderdale Yoga Centre

TRE workshop 28/09/24, 1:30pm – 3:30pm at Calderdale Yoga Centre, Hebden Bridge. TRE stands for Tension and Trauma Release exercises. It is a series of simple exercises that help you to tap into your body’s natural shaking mechanism. TRE will help you to regulate your nervous system and bring you out of the fight/flight response and into a calm, grounded and socially engaged state of being. It is very simple to learn and once learned, TRE can be practiced safely at home on your own as a tool to manage stress throughout your life. TRE is brilliant for dealing with stress, tension and stuck trauma. TRE can help you to deal with: • Workplace stress. • Stuck tension in the body • Old trauma that is buried deep in the body • Grief and loss • Stress that exacerbates menopause symptoms • Anxiety and low mood • It can also raise your consciousness • And is incredibly healing Some of the benefits of TRE include: • Reduced worry and anxiety • Reduced stress • Reduced muscle and back pain • Improved sleep • Improved digestion • Improved resilience • Improved ability to cope with life’s ups and downs • Improved relationships • Improved social engagement • More energy • Better grounding • A more regulated nervous system • It can also help with ADHD and other neurodivergence’s And all on top of helping you to release stuck tension and trauma in the body. TRE is very simple to learn and best learned with an experienced TRE provider. In this workshop you will learn: • Some simple grounding techniques, • How the body reacts to perceived danger • How to do the TRE exercises • How to start and stop the shaking • What is self regulation • How to self regulate to stop. This 2 hour workshop is ideal for anyone who wants to try TRE for the first time, but also good for people who have done TRE before as you will be able to explore your shaking with an experienced TRE provider. It’s a small group to encourage an atmosphere of safety. Donna McCafferey is one of a handful of certified TRE providers in the North West. Investment £35 Early bird price £30 before 1/9/24 use code TRE-EARLY-BIRD

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28 Sep
Ticket Book
1 place for TRE workshop at Calderdale Yoga centre 1:30 -3:30 on 28/9/24
28 Sep
Ticket Book
1 place for TRE workshop at Calderdale Yoga centre 1:30 -3:30 on 28/9/24


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